Hyrdafeed Barfeeder takes Barfeeder productivity to a new level.
Dimac Tooling, Australia and New Zealand’s leading supplier of accessories and workholding solutions for CNC milling and CNC turning machine tools, is the sole distributor of the innovative Hydrafeed Barfeeder.
Hydrafeed, a UK based company, has established a reputation for designing and building a range of Barfeeders that offer unrivalled performance and accuracy, plus a user friendly set-up.
“Hydrafeed Barfeeders increase the productivity of any CNC turning centre and can be retrofitted to any entry level CNC machine as well as multi-tasking turning centres. This provides a solution for increased productivity from your machine tool,” said Dimac Managing Director, Paul Fowler.
“A key feature of the Hydrafeed Barfeeder is that it is a full servo-driven Barfeed eliminating the need for compressed air.
The other key feature is that once you’ve set a bar size and saved the setup, you never have to open the cover again. Simply call up the program from the touch screen and the Hydrafeed will set itself on centreline automatically thanks to the servo drive bar lifter mechanism,” Mr Fowler went on to say.
“This feature alone puts the Hyrdafeed Barfeeder on a different level and really does take Barfeeder productivity to a new level,” Mr Fowler added.
Other standard features include complete servo control on all axes plus a fully automated set-up through a user friendly HMI screen.
The Hydrafeed also has the versatility to accommodate different bar diameters and lengths including random bar lengths. Suitable for both bar or shaft feed it also has a programmable work stop controlled by your existing foot switch. A wide variety of models are available to suit any application.
The product is CE certified and comes with a comprehensive 12 month warranty.
“With its outstanding range of features and easy set up, the Hydrafeed Barfeeder really does shut the lid on the competition,” said Mr Fowler.
Dimac has over 30 years experience in CNC machine tool accessories and are agents for many highly respected brands such as Kitagawa, Cooljet, Reven and Eron. The company also manufactures soft and hard jaws in their own CNC equipped machine shop.
“Like all the products we sell, the Hydrafeed Barfeeder has the full back up and support of Dimac technical personnel to ensure the product operates at optimum performance,” Mr Fowler concluded.